Monday, August 22, 2011

karakoram highway, china:

The Karakoram Highway starts in Kashgar, running south west and continuing into Pakistan. It is also the highest paved road in the world. We went as far as Karakul Lake, about 40km away from the Tajikistan border (and about a four hour drive from Kashgar). It's an absolutely epic drive, climbing up amongst the highest mountains we had ever seen. The highest was Mt Kongur at around 7719m high. Amazing! Karakul Lake is beautiful, surrounded by majestic mountains and dotted with Kyrgyz nomads and their yurts. It was such a treat to be in such beautiful scenery and a bit of a novelty coming from practically-mountainless Australia (our highest mountain is only 2,228m high!). We also ended up staying the night, camping by the Pamir mountain range, which runs into Tajikistan (and is the second highest range in the world after the Himalayas). It was just incredible and one of the highlights of our trip. Enjoy the photos!

Next: our China wrap up, with Kyrgyzstan + Uzbekistan still to come!

mt kongur

the pamirs

not a  bad view huh? we were about 3800m high. those mountains all 7000+


  1. I recently discovered your blog through "Things" and wow...your photographs are PHENOMENAL!! Dying to travel again. So jealous!

  2. thank you so much Ella! Glad you are enjoying the photos :)


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