Sunday, April 10, 2011

sneak peek:

So I had grand ideas of sharing photos of our old apartment with you (we have since packed up and moved out due to the trip). However, all the photos I thought I had taken are no where to be found. I do have a few but they're not very exciting and don't really show our apartment at all! So you'll just have to get a sneak peek of some of our books and teaky goodness (but you can't even really see that either!). Oh and the cat. Sorry to the non-cat people, he was just in every shot...
I promise to do a proper tour of our new place once we are back and settled again. Consider this a sneak peek of what's to come...


  1. oh i love it. methinks we have very similar taste!

  2. yep I think so too! i pretty much drool over all the things you tumblr - great taste indeedy! x


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